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 Visionaries & Dreamers

Network with other people who are on fire and on their way to achieving the life of their dreams!




Let Rene & Amber Picota help you breakthrough!  

  • What if all those times you felt stuck someone could say, "Try this new way of doing things or change this behavior?" 
  • What if when you were frustrated someone was there to motivate you? 
  • What if when you are challenged in your relationships there was someone who understands? 
  • What if you did what others who have experienced powerful breakthroughs did? They got a coach.
  • What if you got someone to support you and help you build your dream? 
  • We (Rene & Amber Picota), will be tag teaming this new breakthrough group called the Visionaries & Dreamers and giving you the tools you need to move forward into your destiny. 

You know there's more to the life you are living, right? You might need someone to help you see that and get there. This is how you know if you need a breakthrough coach:  

You have been struggling so hard (and so alone!) to breakthrough to your next level of success.

If you think about it, you know that you're dedicated to doing whatever it takes to build the dream God has placed on the inside of you.

Isn't that the truth?

Don't you CRAVE right now to grow, to love more, to reach the next level of success and abundance so that you can accomplish your calling? 

A lot of people SAY they are...

But most are on the sidelines, looking at others achieve their dreams.

YOU TAKE ACTION! Which is why you watch our videos, read our books, and follow us on social media - You are hungry for success and for a breakthrough in your life! 

You're hungry for more. 

You're dedicated to your spiritual development and to making your dreams come true. 

You KNOW  that there has to be more... 

You're the type of person that isn't afraid to step out in faith.

You aren't afraid of the unknown. 

You don't want to waste any more time daydreaming about what can happen one day... 

You want to love harder, care deeper, and make your mark on planet earth! 

It's why you are on this page... so we thank you for that. Thank you for taking the first step. 

Now we're wondering if you'd give more of yourself so we can work with you - TRAIN YOU - on an ongoing basis.

Get Breakthrough Coaching with Rene & Amber and you'll receive: 

Access to Rene & Amber Picota

Receive access to Rene & Amber Picota by engaging with them in the Facebook group. You get to choose this powerful breakthrough couple who have overcome so many obstacles, reaches hundreds of thousands of people with their message, published books, served as pastors, and are highly gifted in helping you find clarity for your future. Rene & Amber will challenge you to dig deeper into their proven strategies and techniques that turn average people into successful leaders who are living the life of their dreams all of them on their way to earning a six figure or seven figure income. 


Private Facebook Community

You will have access to a private members only FB group where you can network with other people who are on fire and on their way to achieving the life of their dreams. There is a live FB interactive night every Thursday where Rene & Amber will speak into your life, offer you divine guidance, answer any questions you may have to help you grow. 


Understand Your Calling

We will empower you to live a life that's exploding with breakthrough. You will have a clear vision for the future so you no longer have to question what God is doing and where He wants you to go. You don't have to do this alone anymore. You can have a place where you belong.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is this safe? It’s a scary world out there and sometimes people scam you, especially online, but you have nothing to worry about. Our site is completely secure with a 256 bit SSL connection and state of the art check out process. Not only do we fully stick to our word, we won’t ask you any questions to try and make you stay a member if you do decide that the membership isn’t for you.
  • Will this really work for me, because I've really messed up my life? You need to realize, that we've all messed things up and we've all missed some things. However, we are convinced that if you are connected to the Dreamers & Visionaries group you will find a community of grace and acceptance. 
  • What if I'm already in my older years? It's never too late to dream and go after your destiny. Martha Stewart didn't start till after 40. Harry Bernstein authored countless rejected books until he got his first hit age 96. So, never think you're too late to get started.
  • Why this group instead of something else? Personally, we haven't really seen anything like the group Dreamers & Visionaries. Not only will you receive inspiration, you'll also be surrounded by friends who believe in your calling.

Still Reading, But Not Quite Sure If You Want To Sign Up?

Whatโ€™s the worst thing that could happen?

Let’s say you join, find out that it’s not for you, you can simply leave the group because it is 100% free.

And that’s worst-case scenario.

On the upside, if you do even half as well as others have in this amazing group you will live the life of your dreams you will experience God’s prosperity. I am going to teach you how to breakthrough so that you can make money and be a successful world changer who has a clear vision and purpose. 

Truth is, this could be your reality.

Believe me, if you join today, you'll be very glad you did! 




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Join Rene & Amber in the Facebook group to reach your next levels of success, joy, and abundance!

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