You Will Lack Nothing In This Season!
Oct 08, 2021I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water. -Isaiah 41:18
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "You will lack nothing in this season! I am moving upon that situation which you are concerned about. I am hovering over the financial matter that keeps you up at night. I am turning hearts toward you and the relationship will be restored. I will take you to new places in this next season. The people assigned to you in this next season will begin to appear in your life. Even around the 18th of October... expect a divine connection to take place."
"Even though the transition was rough, I will bless you abundantly. You left behind more than you did in the natural. You cut ties with people and places that kept you from advancing into your destiny. I removed you for your own protection. You keep asking for a normal life. I don't have a normal life planned for you. I have a supernatural life in store for you. It is full of adventure. It's full of glory and blessings beyond your wildest dreams. It will require you to walk by faith not by sight. But as you believe in Me, I will open doors for you and send people to assist you in your assignment."
"I am lifting you up in this season. I am elevating you. You will soar to new levels of influence, authority, and responsibility. Expect promotions and raises to manifest quickly in your life. New jobs are coming. Better jobs are available. I am creating specific positions for you. Now is the time to apply. Step out by faith. Financial increase is coming to your household. You will truly know the abundance and surplus in this season. You will taste the sweetness of My name. You will see that I am good. I am so proud of you My child. You have done an amazing job."
Even as you are reading this, there is someone the Holy Spirit is showing me who grew up without a father. Yet you are doing the best you can. God is so proud of you. You have so much more fight in you. “Don't you dare give up! I will never abandon you or reject you My child. It's time for your breakthrough!”
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. -Philippians 4:7
"Even as you begin to prosper, I will begin to show you what to really value. It's not about the fancy things the world offers. The desire for those things will fade away in light of what I long to do for the Gospel through you. What is most important is peace that I give you. Not as the world gives you, but peace that comes from Me. Because this is the only kind of peace that lasts a lifetime."
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. -Psalm 127:1
The Lord began to speak to me about the real estate market. He began to show me a major shift about to take place that will bless those who feel led to buy a house in this season. There are many who have wanted to but didn't qualify. They lacked the credit or the downpayment. There has been disappointment and fear around this sensitive subject for many But God is about to build you a house and it won't be in vain. "I have called My people to take dominion and subdue the land."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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