The Language Of The Kingdom
Apr 11, 2016I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying I am teaching My sons and daughters the language of the Kingdom. They must learn how to speak in a different way. Many keep cursing themselves. Many are complaining about their life and it has given a stronghold to the enemy. Today I am bringing revelation to My sons and daughters concerning the language that releases the miracles they need.
I am teaching you My child the pattern to bringing My glory. For I ride upon the praises of My people. I will release My glory as you begin to praise Me and magnify My name. I long to change your world. First, you must change the atmosphere with your praise to Me. I am releasing My glory in a heavy way. Every time I release My glory I release fresh revelation. I am releasing revelation concerning the words that you speak. I have ordained praise to flow from your lips. Lift Me up says the Lord and I will lift you up out of your problems.
Even as you begin to praise Me I will begin to release miracles!
As the atmosphere is charged with My power and My presence, whatever you ask for in My name it shall be done. Speak to the mountain and it will be cast into the sea. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven. Whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed from heaven. Bind up the negative vocabulary. Bind up the word curses. Stop complaining and be grateful for what I have done.
Let thanksgiving begin to flow from your lips.
Thanksgiving will cause true worship to arise from the depths of your souls. Are you truly thankful for what the Lord has done? Or are you so consumed with wanting more stuff that doesn’t matter? Have lost track of the feelings of My heart?
I am looking for true worshipers. I am looking for those who will bless My name and bless each other. I am looking for those who will encourage one another and offer grace and forgiveness. As you forgive others I will forgive you. If you choose to not forgive I will not be able to forgive you either. Do not let a root of bitterness take place in your heart. Instead… let it go. Let love flow. Let love change your vocabulary. Worship Me in Spirit and in truth.
Love is the language of My Kingdom.
Love is how everything is held together. Love is what brings unity. Love is what covers a multitude of sins. Cover one another. For it is the kindness of the Lord that leads to repentance. Soon those who have hurt you will realize their mistakes. Prepare your hearts. Even in this season they will ask for your forgiveness. Be ready for the returning of the prodigal sons and daughters. Be speaking My language to them and about them. Today I am removing the critical spirit from you. Today I am removing the religiosity from your bones. Today I am setting you free to speak the language that will be understood by every single person on the face of the earth.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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