Release Your ROAR!
Sep 25, 2020I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “It is your time to release your ROAR! I have placed a message on the inside of you for this season, and now it must burst through the noise in the world. I have called you for such a time as this! Rise up in My glory and release what I have placed inside of you! No one can stop you except yourself!”
When a lion roars, the ground begins to shake! You can feel the authority that a lion possesses. He is the king of the jungle. His enemies and subjects tremble in fear. “So it shall be with you says the Lord.” You will roar and the nations will shake. Your enemies will scatter. Those mocking you will cease. Those who lie about you and speak ill of you will silence their mouth! Step into your divine assignment and roar!
One of my favorite movies is the Lion King. There is a scene where Simba has a moment that changed his life. He released his roar. He had been in the wilderness for so long feeling guilty because he thought he was responsible for Mufasa’s death. While he was hiding, his uncle Scar took over the promise land and nearly destroyed it. Rafiki, a mandrill who was friends with Mufasa finds Simba and leads him to a lake where he tells him to look into the water. Simba sees his reflection. But Rafiki tells him, “look hard”. When he does, he sees his father Mufasa. He knows that he must go back and take his place as King.
I prophesy that as you look in the mirror and see your reflection you will see the reflection of your Heavenly Father. You will know your authority. You will know your destiny. The fear, the doubt, and the excuses that have held you back for so long will leave you once and for all! You will be free to go back and take your place. You are called to rule and reign with Christ Jesus! You are called to take dominion.
As we transition into the month of October, you will come into a season of abundance and blessings. God’s favor will flow freely in and through your life. Everywhere the glory of God touches will prosper. You will prosper. You will be successful. The limitations will stop the second you decide to ROAR! Let out a war cry! Let your voice be heard!
“For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” -Romans 8:19
All creation is waiting for you to be revealed. Release your roar! Release God’s glory through your voice! If you can see it you can have it! You were born for greatness. You are so valuable. You haven’t disqualified yourself. The grace of God abounds to you and all your sins and mistakes are forgiven and they are no longer counted against you!
Do not be afraid! Look at your reflection until you see your Heavenly Father’s image through your life. You are at the brink of your breakthrough. This is a defining moment. Will you take your place? Will you release your ROAR? The choice is yours.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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