Prophetic Word for November 2022!
Oct 19, 2022I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "November will be a month of manifestation. What you have birthed in prayer will come forth. What is unseen will be seen. What is delayed will arrive. The manifestation of the miracles that you have been waiting for will suddenly come forth!"
Concerning finances the Spirit of the Lord says, "Money will manifest in your accounts. It will come from new sources. New opportunities and business ventures will become fruitful and productive. I am about to get involved in your business and ministry supernaturally! "
Faith is the conduit for your miracle. It is time to express your faith. It is time to step out by faith. It is time to invest by faith. It is time to move forward with faith. This is a season where your faith must be activated. A faith that is not tried is a faith that cannot be depended upon. Now is the time to lean on your faith and do the impossible thing that is ahead of you and watch how the Lord makes it possible
"I am shifting the political climate in America. I am raising up new leaders in this hour who will walk uprightly before Me and do My will for this great nation. I will continue to expose the lies and deceit and many will be shocked at what is uncovered in the coming days."
"Yes, even around the 11th of November expect a major financial release to begin in your life. A major shift will happen on this day. I will show you My faithfulness My child. I will release My glory upon you and you will outshine your competition."
November will fly by quickly. There is a divine acceleration taking place. God says, "Thanksgiving and gratitude accelerate the miraculous. What is going on around you is by My Spirit. What is going on within you is a divine perfect work that I am doing as I qualify you and equip you to stand in high places and positions of influence and power. That's why you went through what you went through. It was used for your good. Now I can promote you. Now I can elevate you. Now I can fund the vision. For this is the appointed time for you to arise My child. Shine brightly and be amazing at what I accomplish in and through your life in the coming days."
Prophetic Declaration
"May the LORD, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!" -Deuteronomy 1:11
What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel the glory of God as you read it. This is such a holy moment before the Lord. I am believing with you for the manifestation of this word. Now is the time to release your faith in anticipation of what is about to manifest before your eyes. Move in faith with a seed of $111, $41 $1,111, $11,111 or your best seed for Deuteronomy 1:11 and for the Gospel. Exercise your faith and sow into this word and watch how quickly an accelerated harvest is released to you because this is good ground. I would do it now before the enemy talks you out of it...
In His love,
Rene Picota
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