Prophetic Word for May 2021
Apr 24, 2021I hear the Lord saying, "May will be a month full of miracles. You will see the hand of the Lord move like never before. The limitations and the situations that need to turn around will turn around in an instant. I am releasing a cloud of My glory upon the earth and from glory to glory My people are changing. My presence is changing everything. As you abide in the cloud of My presence, the fragrance of who I am will incapsulate you and permeate you. My glory will change you. It will change the way you think, the way you speak, the way you fill. You will find My glory is all you really need. Because Christ in you is the hope of glory."
I see a grace for finances in May. Expect creative financial miracles. Business ideas, unexpected gifts, deposits, credit, settlements, judgments in your favor. "Expect My favor to surround your life because you are My child and I care for you. I will protect you and cover you. Even when certain things happened that you didn't agree with, I will work it all for your good. It will surely pass away as My grace does a work inside that lasts for all eternity."
"I will visit churches as they open up again. I will visit churches with My glory and with My Spirit of revival. What you will experience will change everything. It will transform you as I increase of My Spirit in your life. Receive impartation today. Receive miracles, signs, wonders. I am touching every area of who you are. It is being released upon you now."
"A great healing revival will begin to sweep across this nation from southern California and it will spread to New Mexico, Texas, and work it's way up to Tennessee, Virginia and Maine. It will travel up route 7 of northern Virginia into Washington DC. As revival comes to DC it will come to the world."
"Prophets who have been in hiding will come forth in May and prophesy with boldness and authority of this great revival that will change the face of the church. A mighty harvest will be brought in. My fire is falling on those who will become a sacrifice for Me. I will use them mightily. I will change the world through them as they embrace who I am and what I long to manifest through them says the Lord."
"A breakthrough angel is being released in May and it will like a spear head bust things open for the church. Regardless of who is in the political office I will fill every house and I will strip away every dependance upon a man so that this nation can truly turn back to the Lord. It's not about a political party but about My glory and My church."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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