Prophetic Word for March 2022!
Feb 15, 2022Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. -Isaiah 60:1-2
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "In the month of March you will march ahead. For I am causing a divine alignment and I am re-arranging your life so that you can experience My glory like never before. Get ready to shift atmospheres. Get ready to explore new realms of the Spirit and of My glory that you have never before. I am lifting the heavy burdens caused by anxiety, stress, sickness, depression, and chaos. Instead you will know my weighty glory."
The Shekinah Glory of God
"Get ready to experience My shekinah glory. The brightness of My glory is rising upon you now. It is shining on you. You will radiate the brilliance of Heaven. Just like Moses, the glow of God's glory will be upon your countenance. I am transforming your countenance for this glory produces change. When people see you they will see Me! Wherever you go My glory will go and I will light up your journey with shekinah glory."
Divine Impartation
In this season you will begin to experience unusual miracles, signs, and wonders. People will be healed before you even pray for them. The eyes of your spirit will cause you to say that Jesus Christ has taken care of it. Get ready to see things in a way that you never have before. The God of the heavens is working on your life as you read this. He is taking what is wrong and making it right. Even as you partner with specific ministries and churches that operate in the glory of God you will receive the majesty, the blessings, the anointing, and the honor that rests on them. It is a time to sow generously.
From Glory to Glory
Holy is the Lord! He is holy! He is worthy. "Even as you declare My holiness, I will change you from one degree of My glory to another. As you declare My holiness, your troubles and worry will begin to melt away. You will begin to walk in the beauty of My holiness. I will restore your innocence. I will restore what you have lost. I will restore your finances in the coming days. I will mend your broken heart. You are pure because of the Word that has been spoken over you."
New Places Await You!
"In the coming days I will take you to new places. I will take you as you obey Me by fully surrendering to My love and to My grace. I will show you My heart in the eyes of others. I will let you be My hands and My voice. I will amplify your impact and your reach. I am raising you up My child. I long to reveal to you the secrets of My heart. I long to spend time with you. I long for you to experience the fullness of My Spirit today."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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