Prophetic Word for June 2023
May 18, 2023I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "The month of June is a month of exponential breakthrough and restoration! Get ready to see how I suddenly move upon your situation. I am releasing the Spirit of Revival upon the land. It is a month where I am releasing restoration for what the enemy stole. The money will be restored. The time will be restored. Your joy will be restored. Your peace will be restored."
The Spirit of Revival
"Even around Father's Day, just as I poured My Spirit out at Brownsville, I will pour My Spirit out again. The Spirit of revival is brewing. I will release My glory in the earth and entire cities will be transformed by My glory for I am bringing the church into the glory. Churches that were dry will be wells of living water where My children can be filled and refreshed with the living water."
Healing the Father Wounds
"I am healing the Father wounds in your heart and in your soul. I will show you where I was. I will take away the pain. It will be like it never happened after I am done healing you. I am healing the wounds of abandonment and rejection from your childhood. I am a good Father. I will never leave you or forsake you. You are My prince and My princesses. You are royalty. Even as you sleep I will begin to speak to you through dreams. I will reveal Myself to you and fill the void in your heart that only I can fill."
Financial Provision
"I am your Provider. I will provide more than enough for you. You are about to come into multiple streams of income that will bring about deliverance from lack and poverty. I am opening up new doors for you that were once closed. I am making a way where there was no way. I care about you, My child. I will supply all your needs according to My riches in glory.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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