Prophetic Word for June 2022
May 16, 2022The Spirit of the Lord began to speak to me about the month of June. He has been speaking to me about the breath of God that is refreshing you. John 20:22 says, "And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit." Jesus is blowing afresh upon you now. This word is to carry you through for the rest of 2022. It's even in the scripture. God is speaking clearly and loudly! Do you need refreshing? Do you need a fresh infilling? Jesus is filling you now...
And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous—to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” Luke 1:17 NIV
God is releasing the Spirit of Elijah for the healing of families. The Spirit of Elijah was released through John the Baptist. This is a season where the Lord puts families back together. It's a season of healing as you receive a fresh revelation of the Father's Heart. He is delivering you from the orphan spirit. He is healing the abandonment wound and the rejection wound. He is healing you from the lack of nurturing you received as a child from your mother. God is putting you back together because this is a new season. It's new because a new season happens after Pentecost (June 5, 2022). There is a major alignment taking place in your heart and in your spirit that is crucial for your spiritual vision. Your perspective is changing. He is giving you new eyes to see.
"The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones." -Ezekiel 37:1
You have been in a valley of dry bones. Things have seem lifeless. All hope has disappeared. Many have been walking with a heaviness. Fear has kept you paralyzed. Parts of your soul have been frozen because of trauma. The triggers associated with the things you hear, touch, see, taste, and smell have brought back memories from the past. But today God is supernaturally going to deliver you from this valley that you have been in. Do you want to be healed?
"Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live.” -Ezekiel 37:5
I prophesy a fresh breath entering your life now. He is refreshing you. His Spirit is blowing upon you. He is blowing into the sails of your heart to lead and guide you to calm waters. The storm is over.
Even as your mind, soul, and spirit are healed your relationships will begin to bloom again. I see a vision of a peony blooming. Just yesterday my wife took a picture of a peony blooming in our neighborhood:
Isn't it lovely? Isn't it beautiful. Peony's prophetically mean wealth. I prophesy that you are coming into a season where you will begin to inherit wealth! You won't lack a thing. Your debts will be paid in full. You will experience financial breakthrough and money will never be an issue again! Generosity is stirring in your heart again. Extravagant sowing will elevate your finances.
Even within the next 60 days... God is going to give you a new Kingdom Strategy. You are a visionary and a dreamer! It's time to surround yourself with the same people to help you reach your success! You are a future multi-millionaire! Don't give up! Even if you have failed in the past it just means that you are a step closer to reaching your goals and building your dream! God is about to prosper you!
In His love,
Rene Picota
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