Prophetic Word for July 2024

Jul 01, 2024

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "In this month of July 2024, I speak unto you with a voice of love and authority. It is time for you to sit at new tables with new people, for I am orchestrating divine connections that will propel you into the next season of your life. Do not linger or overstay your welcome in places where I have clearly shown you it is time to move on from, even if they are good places. Trust in my leading, for I am preparing you for what is ahead.

Know that when doors close in your life, it is not a sign of failure or abandonment, but rather a redirection towards the path I have laid out for you. Embrace these closures with faith and gratitude, for I am closing them to create space for something new and extraordinary that I am about to do in your life, especially as we approach the month of August.

On the seventh day of the seventh month of this year (7/7/2024), there shall be a major supernatural release of anointing upon those who are open and receptive to receive it. Be prepared, for suddenly there will be major breakthroughs in areas where you have been seeking my guidance and intervention. Walk boldly in this anointing and watch as miracles unfold before your eyes.

I urge you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things as I lead you through open doors that I have set before you. Do not fear the unknown, for I am with you every step of the way. Half of this year has already passed; reflect on what you have accomplished thus far and realign your focus towards fulfilling the purpose I have ordained for your life.

In the coming days, many of my children will feel a stirring in their spirits to pray and fast diligently for seven days. This dedicated time of seeking me will bring about major breakthroughs, especially for those struggling with health issues. Trust in my timing and surrender your concerns to me through prayer and fasting, knowing that I am faithful to answer the cries of my beloved ones.

Heed these words as they flow directly from my heart to yours. Embrace this season of change and transformation with faith and expectancy, for I am about to do a new thing in your midst that will leave you in awe of my goodness and power.

May these words resonate deep within your spirit and guide you towards the abundant blessings I have prepared for you in the coming months says the Spirit of the living God."

Prophetic Declaration

What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel that blessed anointing as you read this! Sowing seeds as a prophetic declaration involves planting seeds with intention and purpose. It is not merely a physical act of planting seeds in the ground but a symbolic gesture of sowing into your future with faith and expectation. By sowing seeds, you are demonstrating your trust in God’s provision and opening yourself up to receive His blessings in abundance. Move in faith by sowing a seed of $77, $700, $47, $7,000 or any amount as a prophetic declaration and step into a season of supernatural increase and divine favor. As you sow your seeds with faith and expectancy, believe that God will honor your obedience and bring forth a harvest beyond what you can imagine. Embrace this opportunity to partner with God in co-creating your future through the simple yet powerful act of sowing seeds. I would do it now before the enemy talks you out of it... 


In His love, 

Rene Picota

Cash App: $Empowerforlife

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