Prophetic Word for July 2022
Jun 18, 2022I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "The month of July is full of supernatural surprises! Yes, some things will come to an end. I am just preparing room in your life for the amazing new things that are about to come into your life. The doors that close are closing strategically and supernaturally. And as one door closes another will open. This is a season to draw near to Me and wait in My presence for the blessings that I have in store for you! I only have good things in store for you!"
It's Time For A Divine Exchange
I keep hearing "Divine Exchange" in My Spirit. God wants you to trade up! "As you let go of what you are holding on to you will receive an upgrade. You will receive the promises I have made to you years ago." I see new vehicles, new relationships, newborn babies, new ministries being birthed, new business opportunities, new contracts, new houses, new clothes, new computers, and even new cell phones. Receive your upgrade!
The One Thing I am Calling You To
"Rise up in My glory. I long to release revelation that catapults you deep into the dimensions of My favor. I will reveal to you creative strategies and witty ideas. I will show you what I long to do through your hands and through your voice. I am about to use you mightily. For in this season, I will show you how to tap into the divine flow that comes from Me. You will find your sweet spot as you refine your goals and focus on the ONE THING that I have called you to right now. I will give you a single assignment for you to focus on. The other promises will come later. This will give you the ability to accomplish what I want to release in the earth through you today."
Financial Breakthrough In The Midst of Recession
"But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today." -Deuteronomy 8:18
Your Heavenly Father owns it all and He is mandating you today and giving you the power to obtain wealth! As sons and daughters of God we are called to operate under Heaven's economy. He is about to bless you in the midst of a recession. He is about to prosper you and release excess funds to you! The secret to releasing the excess and abundance is that what you are doing must be tied to your purpose and Kingdom assignment. It's time to build your dream! If you are fulfilling your purpose you will not be able to stop the funds from coming in. You will find favor and God will prosper you. If you are just barely living in the wilderness, then it's time to get set free from the poverty and financial oppression that the enemy has troubled you with! It's time to change your mind and start living differently. It's time to unlearn bad teaching and break the false humility off your life. God does not want you to be poor! He wants you bless you beyond your wildest imagination! Today is the day of your financial deliverance!
I see the housing market crashing in the USA. The inflation bubble is about to explode! When it does it is then when you are to buy! Expect a full blown recession by mid July. I prophesy that it won't touch you in Jesus name! I declare over you that you will prosper! I prophesy that you will get raises and promotions and that your gift is making room for you even in the market place! Even as you begin to learn new skills you will be called upon and receive many offers! Walk like you own it and you will!
I see a new president being raised up just like David. This new President will lead this nation with integrity and He will know My voice. For the Lord says, "I will put a Prophet in the White House in 2024!"
"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." -Malachi 3:10
Those who tithe and sow seeds will find financial security because their reward is tied to the harvest and the purposes of God! Your tithe belongs to the Lord and it should be invested in fertile ground and ministries that are pouring into you and serving you fresh bread and new wine!
"The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein" -Psalm 24:1
The Lord isn't trying to get something from you. He is trying to get something to you! He already owns a cattle and a thousand hills. The silver and the gold are already His! The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof! He is calling you and me to steward what belongs to Him. "From glory to glory you will rise! I will put you before Kings and Presidents and other prominent leaders. My favor will place you in places of authority and influence and you will be rewarded for the problems you solve and for the ideas, inventions, and revelation that I release through you."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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