Prophetic Word for July 2020
Jun 27, 2020I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "This is a season where I am drawing You to Myself. I am instilling in you a fresh desire to listen to My voice and to obey it. I am opening your eyes to see Me."
Even as things begin to shift as we transition into the month of July, the Lord says, "New doors will open for you within 30 days of July 1st. Major breakthroughs are on the horizon. As you abide in My presence you will encounter My glory in ways that you never have. You will know My glory and bask in My majesty as you adore Me. For I am with you forevermore."
"I am anointing you afresh for the ministry. I have caused a work of consecration that will continue. I will draw you into the holies of holies. Your life will be marked by My power and by My presence. Things and people will suddenly fall away as I refine you in My fire. Yes, even as I prepare you to minister like you have only imagined in your dreams. I am setting you free from the love of money. I am purifying your motives. It will be about Me again. It won't be about anything or anybody else. I am even delivering you from your past. The memories that haunt you will no longer come to mind. It will be like it never happened. That is how deep I will heal you for My love toward you is stronger than death."
In this season I will move upon families. The Lord says, "Your children will serve the Lord. They will be set free. They will come to Me and be forever transformed by the power of My love. My presence will overwhelm your family and you will know the debts of My healing love."
In a vision, I see all the weeds being pulled out of the garden of your heart. The weeds of unforgiveness, jealousy, pride, false humility, anger, and selfishness are being plucked up now. "I am doing a deep work of healing inside you because I loved you first and purchased your salvation at Calvary's cross."
"My presence will cause a shaking in your life. You will know My power and experience heaven like never before as you surrender it all to Me says the Lord. For I will watch over this word and surely make it come to pass as you trust in Me and remain in Me."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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