Prophetic Word for February 2022!
Jan 16, 2022“Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” -John 3:6
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “You are in the middle of a divine pregnancy. I promised you certain things and surely, they will come to pass in the coming days. The supernatural work that I am doing in you and around you is preparation for what will come forth from the depths of your spirit. It may look so small right now. Do not despise this season where you may not see the manifestation of the great things that I have promised you. I have an appointed time for those things to manifest. Embrace the process I have you in. Embrace the purging that I am doing in your life. It’s why some people had to go. They can’t go with you to your next level. Let go of the ways things were done in the pass. I am doing something brand new. It will be like nothing the world has ever seen before.”
“What I promised you back in September is yours. I promised you homes. They are yours. I promised you cars. They are yours. I promised you businesses and they are yours. I promised to use you and I will. The capacity at which I use you will be equal to the level of surrender and abandonment you show unto Me. I will release these things and you will be able to sustain those things in your life.”
Something Special Will Happen on 2/22/2022
“Pay attention to 2/22/2022. I will begin to speed things up. You are standing at the doorway. As you make your way in, you will experience signs, wonders, and miracles! You will behold My glory. You will see that the door you just entered was also the door to the Throne Room. You will hunger no more. You will thirst no more. I am with you. I am close to you, My child and I am not going anywhere.”
Overcoming Great Distress
"David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God." -1 Samuel 30:6
You thought it was over. It’s not. You thought God had forgotten about you. He hasn’t. You feel like you are dying. But though He may slay me, I will still trust in Him. The secret to passing this test is in trusting the Lord and strengthening yourself in the Lord. As you do, you will begin to see things suddenly change all around you in a moment’s notice. Gratitude releases the glory. You will now begin to experience a divine recovery. Divine recovery is coming to your finances and relationships. Everything you have loss you are going to get it back! Yes, even with divine interest!
The Reformers Are Rising
“I have called you as reformers. I have called you as revivalists. I have marked you with My holy fire. For you truly understand that this world has nothing for you. The cry of your heart is, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I prophesy to you today that heaven is invading earth. The culture of the miraculous is here. Let expectation rise like never before in your spirit. I am all around you. I am above you. I am beneath you. I go before you. I am behind you and beside you. Everything I have spoken is true and will manifest in your life.”
In His love,
Rene Picota
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