Prophetic Word for August 2023!
Jul 12, 2023I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "August will be your month of new beginnings. I am making all things new. It's time to embrace the new things I am bringing into your life. I am giving you new keys to unlock the doors that were previously shut. I am releasing what I couldn't release until you let go of what you were holding on to. Now as you release it, you will find yourself moving in new levels of Kingdom authority, provision, wealth, and anointing."
"Your new beginning won't be limited to one area of your life. I am giving you multiple new beginnings. I am giving the opportunity to start afresh in your health, in your relationships, in your faith, and in your finances. It's time start from scratch and build the life I have ordained you to live. I am calling you to live free from fear and anxiety. I am breaking the changes of regret, unhealthy trauma bonds, and the guilt and shame that has kept you from moving forward into your destiny."
"I am sending new individuals into your life who will help you get to your next level. These individuals will help you launch. They will challenge you to grow and to break free from the patterns and cycles that you have been caught in for years. I am about to answer the prayers that you prayed long ago. I am sending help your way."
"Yes, even around 8/8/2023 expect a supernatural sign that will confirm that which I have already revealed to you in the Spirit. For I am releasing a river of grace to you and as you swim in it, you will find yourself floating freely to your place of divine destiny. In the river you wil also find many fish. This fish are souls ready to be brought into the Kingdom. There is a harvest of souls ready to be brought in and as you surrender to My plan, I will use you to reach them through the power of My love."
"New business opportunities are on the horizon. I am releasing creative ideas and will begin to bless through through multiple streams of income. You will taste and see the abundance and the wealth that I have saved up for you. For truly there will be a wealth transfer in the coming days. Expect a sudden release of new jobs, better jobs, raises, bonuses, deposits, credits, and unexpected miracle money to hit your life. I will provide more than enough for your every need. You will have more than enough for every good and perfect work. You will be able to sow generously like you have always desired."
Prophetic Declaration
What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel that blessed anointing as you read this. It's time to move prophetically with a life altering seed that changes everything and prepares you for what you will reap in the coming days. Move in faith with a seed of $88, $888, $48, $188, $8,888 or your best seed ending in 8 for the Gospel for this prophetic word. Even as you release your seed under this anointing in this atmosphere of glory, expect the word of the Lord that has been spoken over you today to manifest in your life. Things are about to shift radically even in the next 8 days. I would do it now while the anointing is flowing so strong.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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