Prophetic Word for August 2021!
Jul 23, 2021I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “I will do the impossible in the month of August. I am drawing near to you and hovering over your life. Everything you do doesn’t escape My presence. In an instant I will change things. What has been a struggle will come with ease because My glory is here. My Spirit goes before you today and is preparing a path that will reveal your purpose. The new doors that I will open for you will be doors that only I can open. Only I am able to take you where I am calling you. I will raise you up My child in My glory and you will move in new realms of the Spirit that you have never experienced before.”
“It’s time to let go of the former things. It’s time to release what’s kept you bound. Forget those things which are behind. As you release it I will bless you and empower you. Even when it seems too hard, I will give you strength. I will show you how I forgive through your life. As you do, the power of the past will lose its hold on you and you will step into the fullness of what which I have ordained for you. It’s truly going to be a restoration!”
“I know it’s been difficult revisiting events that have taken place. I have brought it to the surface because until you deal with it you can’t go to your next level. Everything that’s unresolved must be resolved. I will confirm that which I am doing through the mouth of many in your life. You will find many confirmations. You will know and not doubt. Things are coming into focus as you rest in Me.”
“Fresh oil awaits you. I am anointing you again right now. I am releasing My oil to lubricate things in your life that seem stuck. The anointing will make the difference. Seek My heart and you will see that My hand is not far away. It’s your time! It’s your moment of divine destiny.”
“I am restoring your identity. I am restoring your peace. I am restoring your finances. I am restoring that which was lost. I am restoring relationships. I am restoring your influence. I am restoring your voice. Speak with boldness in this season. As you say it you shall have it says the Lord. Even as the words leave your mouth you will see it manifest right before your eyes.”
“Do not be afraid of the coming days. Do not fear what falls away. Let it go. Let it all go and cling to Me says the Lord. As you let go of it all, you will gain it all again. This is the promise I make to you, My child. For I love you deeper than the deepest ocean and I will never leave you or forsake you."
In His love,
Rene Picota
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