Prophetic Word for April 2022!
Mar 18, 2022"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." -Matthew 6:33
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "The Winds of Change are picking up in this season. Like a kite, catch the wind of My Spirit and as you do I will usher you right to where you need to be. I will take you higher than ever before. I will direct your life as you yield to what I am doing in and through your life."
"I am filling you with My Spirit. Ask and you will be filled with My power and My glory."
"You are about to cross over into a new place where I will begin to provide for your supernaturally. Rivers of creativity are being released. I am infusing you with the passion and power you need to launch into your next assignment. During the next 3 months I will begin to reveal things to you and answer the questions you have been praying about. Divine insight and downloads will come easily. It's time to dream big and have my perspective concerning the vision I have revealed to you!
“‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." -Acts 2:17-18
April will be a month where I restore lost lands. Expect real estate deals that you have contended for to be approved. I am lining up the finances to fund the desires that I have placed in your heart. This is the season I promised you about. It is the season you fantasize about. And now you will see the manifestation of all that I promised you.
I am restoring your calling. Ministers that have been sitting on the sidelines are being called back into the game. I am calling you my All Star! This is your defining moment. All eyes are watching as your calling is made certain. You have been preparing your entire life for what is about to happen to you, through you, around you, and for you!
The Winds of Change are blowing through Washington DC. Major national changes are about to be revealed. I will visit the White House with My glory again. Many have been seeking revival and now you will receive what you have been praying for. Even as the church gathers at the National Mall, I will pour My Spirit powerfully like never before! New political leaders with loud voices will rise in this season and their values align with My heart. Prophets are arising and they will be recognized by major denominations. For this is the year to prophesy!"
"The war between Russia and Ukraine will come to an end. A change in leadership will result because of this war. What was destroyed in Ukraine will be rebuilt better than ever before and many nations will contribute to rebuilding the ruins of My great nation. Those who lost loved ones because of this war will be comforted. I will never leave them. I will heal broken hearts, meet every need, and I will revive and rebuild the nation of Ukraine better than ever before!"
In His love,
Rene Picota
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