Prophetic Word for 2022 Part 2!
Dec 10, 2021Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed. - 2 Chronicles 20:20
God is not done speaking for 2022! He woke me up at 2am to give you this word. I released part one of the prophetic word on my website. Now get ready for part 2. He saved the best for last.
I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, “2022 will be the year where the doors fly off their hinges! What was shut must now open! The enemy tried to keep you from advancing into your destiny but My Spirit is blowing the door down for you right now! I am releasing My glory even as you read this so that it permeates you. You will be delivered and processed presented prepared for the Masters use.”
“I am not done using you yet. I have not even accomplished half of what I will do. Did My hand not lift from you even when you made poor decisions? Did I provide for you and fulfilled the prophecies that were spoken through the mouths of My holy Prophets? I will complete that which I have started. Even when it seemed like you had lost your influence… it is I who raises you up and sits you down. It is I who makes you rest and watches over your soul. It is only by My grace that you have come as far as you have and I am just getting started!.”
“What was dead will come alive again in 2022. Ministries will raise from the ashes. Businesses will rise from the ashes. My resurrection power will flow to you and through you and everything will be filled with life again! Just like the thunder everyone will see what I do in your life and they will marvel. Many have tried to keep me in a box and within rules. But I am breaking out off the box! I am breaking out of the church! I am invading the earth and I will use all who let me and go forth in My name!
“I am releasing an anointing for multiplication in 2022.” The Lord shows me February 22.2022 or 2/22/2022 and it is such a prophetic date! “Many will double their income. Those who desire two cars will finally have it. Those who want two rental properties the grace is now there for it so move! Many stuck at $100k income will break past $200k like it was nothing! Don’t forget it was the anointing that got you there! Churches will explode with real growth! The lost will be saved and they will come with a friend or a loved one to the foot of the cross!”
“I am giving you a second chance. You will have the redemption you have been praying for. Your relationships will heal. Your addictions will be demolished and you will walk in victory through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many who gave up church plants will plant another church. You will get a second chance with your children in 2022!”
"Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request." -1 Chronicles 4:10
“2022 is also the year of double portion! Get ready for double for your trouble. Many have prayed the prayer of Jabez in 2021. Now you will see it manifest right before your eyes! Increase is coming to your anointing. Increase is coming to your finances! Increase is coming to your purpose!”
God is moving now as many have seen 222 everywhere! It’s prophetic! Get ready for might things as we transition into 2022!
In His love,
Rene Picota
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