New Wineskins!

prophetic insight spiritual growth Apr 06, 2016

Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” -Matthew 9:17

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying it is time for a new wineskin. For I am getting ready to release My new wine. I am throwing a party for you just like I did in John 2. I turned the water into wine I am doing it again! You can’t pour new wine in old wine skins or they will be ruined.

Old wineskins are religious mindsets, limiting thoughts on how God should move, copying other ministries, going through the motions without any demonstration of the Spirit’s power.

Such it is with the coming move of My Spirit says the Lord. Thank God for what He did in previous revivals and previous moves of the Spirit… but I am moving in a new way. I am doing something new in this season. It is time to quit limiting God to how He moved before. There is a new sound to the move of My Spirit. There is a new place where I am moving. I am raising up revolutionaries in this hour. It will look like something you have never seen before.

I am releasing a move of My Spirit in the hearts of My children that will sweep across the face of the earth.

I am pouring out the new wine. It will bring joy, laughter, miracles, refreshing and renewal. The new wine is better than the wine that I have poured out before. I have saved the best for last! Many will be filled with the fullness of My Spirit. Many will rise up and carry My power to the ends of the earth. Many will be healed while they lay on the floor drunk in My Spirit. I am performing heart surgery. I am pruning their lives. As I cut away people, ideas, dreams, old assignments you won’t feel a thing. You will walk forth in the fullness of My Spirit right into the new that I am releasing in your life. I must prune you back so you can bear much fruit.

The fruit that you bear in this season will remain.

The enemy won’t be able to steal the fruit this time. I am teaching you how to guard the  fruit. I am teaching you how to abide in Me so you can know Me and My ways. I am developing My character in you. Even as you take communion personally in the coming days I will draw near to you. My wine taste delicious! It is full of love and passion! There is no love better than My love says the Lord!


In His love,

Rene Picota

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