It's Time for Your RESTORATION!
Feb 21, 2020I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "March will be the month you get your restoration. It's a time for your repayment. It's a season of renewal where I will redirect you onto the right path, and I will also be realigning you to what I want you to do. I will expose what is really my dream and what is a fantasy. Many who have positioned their hearts and mind and done things to move forward will receive restoration. Those who have taken action and activated their promise or prophetic word will begin to see it manifest right before their eyes!"
Reset Your Mindset
"This is a season where a paradigm shift will take place in your mind. As you renew your mind, I will reveal to you to empowering truths that speak of your identity in Me. I am showing you who you really are in this season. I am also showing you what you need to do next and how to do it. I will reveal to you the specifics as you seek My face."
Divine Connections
"As you step out by faith and try new things, I will connect you with others who will help build your dream. They will help you tap into the divine flow within you. They will come in form of prophets, coaches, mentors, and teachers. They will walk with you in every day life and help you breakthrough. They will call out the greatness within you and stir your gifts up so that you can move into the level I am calling you to. It's time to understand the message I am wanting to release through you and how to release is in an effective way. I want you to release My love. I want you to bring healing to the hurting and liberate those who need to be set free. Be My hands and My feet."
A Major Financial Release
"Within the first 2 weeks of March many will a major financial release. Specifically on 3/3/2020 I see funds released. It's a test. Instead of burning through it, I will lead you to invest it into My Kingdom and the ventures I long to accomplish through you. I will begin to teach you Kingdom principles so that you can be raised up and entrusted with the millionaire mantles I am selectively releasing upon the faithful."
It's a season to advance and seize what's yours. Everything you need is within you. Believe in yourself and in God. Your restoration is coming. It may not look like you want but it will look exactly how God intends for it to be. Are you ready to be fully restored?
In His love,
Rene Picota
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