Immeasurably More
Jan 20, 2022Can you believe that we are already 20 days into 2022?
How crazy is that? It has been wild for our family! We have been tested. It has felt like a dark season. My entire family come down with Covid19. But in the midst of this dark season God began to speak to me about how all the amazing miracles happen during the night season. That before it is time for the sunrise it is the darkest.
I began to think about all the amazing things God has done since the beginning of this ministry. All the miracles we have seen. All the sick who have been healed. All the prophetic words that have gone forth and impacted right at a million people! That's insane!!!
And then the Lord said that He was going to do GREATER!
He gave me this powerful prophetic promise for you and me:
"The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” -Haggai 2:9
Many including myself have been in a season of rebuilding... but God wants to take you to a new place. He wants to give you new priorities and give you a new perspective.
The glory of this present house will be greater than the former house... Can I prophesy that over you and over myself?
I prophesy that today a supernatural revelation is hitting you right in between your eyes as you read this. You haven't seen anything yet!!!
He wants to know one thing as you advance into the rest of 2022 and experience the glory of this present house.
Do you trust Him?
Do you trust Him as your Healer? Will He heal us of Covid19?
Do you trust Him as your Savior? Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world! Our sins are wiped away by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! Thank you, Jesus Christ for dying for me!
Do you trust Him as your Provider? Do you trust that He will do immeasurably more than you could even ask, think, or imagine?
The thing is that when you sow to a ministry you aren't giving to meet ministry needs. You are giving so that you can provide a salary to ministers. You aren't giving to keep email platforms paid or social media ads to go out. You aren't giving to pay a staff to run the ministry.
You are giving and as you give, it's how God is teaching you to trust Him!
Amber and I are so grateful for those who give and tithe. Because of your generosity, someone is being blessed! Whether it's in an email, a Facebook Live, a book, or a digital program or coaching call someone is being blessed because of you!
I get really excited because I am grown up now. I get excited more about giving than I do receiving!
I know we have our first fruits offering for 2022 ready. Because God is greater than anything in our lives. He is our Provider. So we bring Him our very best and believe Him that the glory of the present house will be greater! Thank we will see immeasurably more in 2022 than all the years combined! That we will see miracles, and experience financial breakthrough, that we will walk closer than ever before to the Holy Spirit, and hear His voice ever so clearly!
So let me pray for your right now...
Father, we thank you for what you have already done. You have done so much in our lives. If you did nothing else, it would be enough. You are so worthy. You saved us. You loved us and live with us and are in relationship with us! We believe the prophesies for 2022. We believe that you are trustworthy. So today we will all participate at the level you have blessed us. In Jesus name Amen!
I am going to give you the opportunity to participate in this Immeasurably more first fruits offering. Bring God your very best. I want you to participate at the level God has blessed you.
In His love,
Rene Picota
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