I Will Do It In An Instant!
Jan 10, 2021I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "I will intervene and turn everything around for you in an instant! What has been delayed was not denied. Even the spiritual warfare you have been battling through is now over! Even around the funds that were promised to you... The enemy tried to cause delays, but the funds are about to manifest in your bank account. Within the next 24 hours things are going to change dramatically for you! I will provide for you as you surrender everything to Me."
I saw in the spirit realm a black hand holding provision from God's saints. I saw witchcraft coming against the finances but the Lord has sent me with this prophetic word to deliver you! The witchcraft causing confusion and crying will never come near you again! The Kingdom of Heaven has come near to you today! Nothing is impossible!
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." -Matthew 13:45-46
"I am looking for a generation that is willing to give anything it costs to gain what they can not lose. I will require you in this season to give away possessions that compete with Me. No flesh will glory in My presence. I am looking for those who will make me their treasure. Are you willing to obey at a moments notice? Are you willing to go when I say go?"
"For where your treasure is there your heart will be also." -Matthew 6:21
"The anointing will cost you everything. You will lose it all to gain it all again. It's time to lay down your dreams, ambitions, plans, and surrender to what I long to do in and through you. I long for your hearts. I am checking your motives. You can't do this for money. You can't do this for fame. You can't do this for anything or anyone but Me" says the Lord.
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it." -Matthew 16:24-25
Hear the Word of the Lord today. He is calling you back to Himself. He longs for your heart. He longs to be your treasure. He wants everything. Only in Him will you experience the blessings of God that come from instant obedience and sacrifice. Pick up your cross and surrender your life to Jesus Christ.
"Lord, today would you do it in an instant? Would you change me? I surrender all to you. I repent for making it about things, myself, my desires and dreams. I want my entire life to be spent on You. I only want what You want for Me. Show Me how to walk with You. Make Yourself real to me in a way I have never encountered You before.Teach me how to hear Your voice. Teach me to follow you and sacrifice everything at a moments notice if that is what you require of me. I give you my heart. I surrender My life. You are My Lord and My Savior. 2021 is Your year not mine! In Jesus name!
In His love,
Rene Picota
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