Breaking The Cycle!

Sep 27, 2024

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying to you with a voice that resonates deep within your soul, a voice filled with love and unwavering strength. "I am breaking the cycles that have held you captive for far too long! No more going back and forth, caught in the web of uncertainty and fear. No more indecisiveness that leaves you paralyzed, unable to step into the beautiful future I have crafted just for you. No more returning to what is familiar, even when it is toxic and draining. You deserve so much better than this, my beloved child. I am opening the door wide to set you free from the chains that bind you.

Today, I am liberating you to embrace the profound happiness and joy that I have meticulously prepared for you. I have called you to do great things, to rise up and shine your light in this world. No longer will you return to what is toxic and harmful; I long to bring peace to your heart and mind. I long to show you the great blessings that await you in the coming weeks, blessings that will fill your life with hope and purpose."

God is removing you from toxic environments, toxic people who drain your spirit, and toxic substances that cloud your mind. Enough is enough! You have been trapped in this cycle of pain for far too long, and now it is time for a significant shift in your thinking, a transformation that will allow you to see the world through a lens of possibility and hope. It’s time to reset your mindset, to break free from the chains of negativity that have held you back. "I cannot take you to your next level until you address this." 

God says , "There is a grace available for you to leave behind all that no longer serves your highest good. I am providing a way out, a path illuminated by my love and guidance. It’s time to end this unhealthy relationship that has drained your spirit. It’s time to leave the toxic work environment that stifles your creativity. It’s time to overcome this addiction that has kept you in bondage. Let me deliver you, my child, for I am the Lord, and only I can bring you the freedom you seek. I am so much better than the fleeting, temporary comfort that may seem enticing but ultimately leaves you empty."

Today, I declare that all the spells and witchcraft meant to derail you from your divine destiny are shattered in the name of Jesus! I am breaking every generational curse that has loomed over your family like a dark cloud, preventing you from fully experiencing the abundant life I have designed for you. The chains that have kept you from realizing your true purpose are removed and broken by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ!

"Because of Me, you are free indeed! Embrace this freedom, my beloved, and step boldly into the life I have promised you. You are worthy of love, joy, and fulfillment, and I am here to guide you every step of the way."

Let your heart be filled with hope, for the best is yet to come!

Prophetic Declaration

Have faith in the LORD your God and you will be upheld; have faith in his prophets and you will be successful.” -2 Chronicles 20:20

What a powerful prophetic word! I know you can feel that blessed anointing as you read this word. The Lord is moving upon you now. Something supernatural is happening now because of the power of this prophetic word. Move in faith with a seed of $20.20, $200.20, $2,020 or your best seed ending in 20 for 2 Chronicles 20:20 and for the Gospel. Honor releases access. Honor releases divine alignment. As you stand with us today financially, may you receive the same reward in heaven. I would do it now as a step of action demonstrating that you have faith in this word and receive it. I would do it now before the enemy talks you out of it.


In His love, 

Rene Picota

Cash App: $Empowerforlife

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Rene, why do you ask for a seed at the end of your prophetic words? Great question. Click here to read why.

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