A Divine Interruption
Mar 18, 2020The last week has been crazy. People are feeling the effects of a pandemonium. The supermarkets are empty, toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and bleach are no where to be found. Facebook isn't even fun anymore. Everyone is arguing trying to prove their point. People are afraid. People are following the media and the more you do, the more toxic you can become.
You have to decide what you will focus on.
God is saying, "Do not be afraid. This plague will not touch you! I am pressing pause on your life. It's what I am doing in you that's more important than what is happening around you. I love you My child. I will never leave you or forsake you. I am closer to you than the air you are breathing. Focus on Me. Draw near to me and you will find me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know of."
Yes, this is a divine interruption. Kids are happy that school is out. Parents worry because they don't have child care. Many are asking God why?
When will this end? What if martial law is implemented? What if I lose my job? What if I lose my home and my power is shut off?
You have a choice. Stop panicking and start leading. When all hell breaks loose everyone is searching for good leadership. What's that look like? Follow your local guidelines from your local governments. Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Stay home if it's not an emergency. This isn't operating in fear. It's operating in wisdom. I am hoping that you begin to implement daily what you can do to be a good leader for your families and others.
1. Find something to be grateful for everyday. Gratitude is the best way to shift your thinking and to really learn to see the best of what is really going on. You will begin to see the big picture and how things actually will work together for your good. Be intentional about this habit and you will release so much joy and contentment.
2. Disconnect from social media. Take a break. I know you have a lot of spare time. You can track how much time you are spending online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Likey, TikTok, etc. I recommend spending 30 minutes to an hour a day or less.
If you don't you will begin to not be fully present. You won't be able to put your device don't and your relationships will suffer.
3. Watch your spending. Feeling financial pressure? According to this article on CNBC, a whopping 78% of people live from paycheck to paycheck. That's 4 out of 5 workers. It's time to make a plan. It's time to create new streams of income, save money, invest, and stop making excuses or for you to make a certain amount before you begin to save. 98% percent of the population works for the 2%. Choose to be part of the 2%. It's time to get a vision for your future and build your financial house. People don't plan to fail. They fail to plan. What if you are out of a job for 6 months? Do you have enough in savings? It's time to make better financial decisions and live within our means.
4. Get a vision for your life. What's your 1 year plan? What's your 5 year plan? How detailed is it? Is your vision clear? Without vision the people perish. Open your eyes to the destiny that God has in store for you.
5. Draw near to God. How's your soul? How's your relationship with the Lord? Use these next few weeks to spend more time with God. Take inventory of your spiritual intake. How much time do you spend worshiping and praying? Who do you allow to speak into your spirit? Why so many people? Less is more. Need a prophetic word? Open up your Bible. The secret to your breakthrough is found in your daily routine.
In His love,
-Rene Picota
Empower for Life
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